Thursday, September 15, 2016


Glory, menjadi tonggak kembalinya Britney ke kancah musik - terakhir Britney Jean, 2013 - sekaligus merayakan (hampir) 20 tahun karirnya, namun Brit membuat pengakuan mengejutkan kepada NME magazine. Kerap ragu akan karirnya, Brit mempunyai minat menjadi ... guru!

Ditanyakan tentang rahasia karirnya yang bisa dibilang stabil, Britney menjawab:

I try not to analyse it too much. I love what i do and i think that helps because it speaks for it self when i perform.

Seeing other artists continue to do this kind of thing inspires me too. Because sometimes i'm like, "What i'm doing? Like i could be a teacher. But then i see other people doing it too an i'm like, "Well, you know, it's probably all they've known for so long, so it just kind of make sense.
Dalam interview ini, secara tak langsung Britney pun menyiratkan, Glory is the first record where she really took creative control and learnt to say no.

Honestly, this is the first project where i've really been hands on. I was really specific about who i worked with and i've been learning to say no.
I'm a people pleaser, so that's hard for me. Even i don't like something. I'll do it just to make a person happy.
"I made sure this album was everything i wanted it to be. I was really selfish with it." 

Britney juga menjawab soal beberapa nickname yang disematkan kepadanya, including Godney dan The Holly Spearit.

"That just how the fans are - and i don't want to let them down. At the end of the day. We're all human and we all make mistakes."

"It's really flattering, but i don't know if i can set my bar that high."

"I'm sure a lot of them have almost felt like they've grown up with me."

The original article.

About the Author



A graphic designer and a Britney Army since 1998. Running the biggest Britney Spears fanbase in Indonesia, @BritneySpearsID, since 2009.

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